Thursday, December 01, 2005

I hate speed bumps

I think one of the worst "innovations" in traffic control is the speed bump. They seem to be mulitiplying and appearing everywhere! Several local neighborhoods have had our city install the bumps in an effort to control the speed of traffic using "their" street as a shortcut to the mall. Do they work? Are they effective?

My research says NO! According to this site by the Association of British Drivers (which is a non-profit organization whose mission is "to provide an active, responsible voice to lobby for Britain's beleaguered drivers & motorcyclists") studies have shown that speed bumps increase the noise level, the pollution level, and obviously damage done to vehicles. One report I read from the American Bar Association asserts that the installer of a speed hump is financially liable for any damage done to vehicles by the humps. There is also the danger of emergency vehicles being slowed in their response time. Finally, according to this article in Realty Times, there is some question over whether the Americans with Disabilities Act would prohibit the use of speed bumps. Certainly, private institutions which use these would be wise to provide alternative routes for those with disabilities, including those with neck and back problems.

Check out the last paragraph of that last article:
But, for every action there is an equal and/or greater reaction. Speed bumps incite drivers to drive erratically in an attempt to get around them, increase their speeds in-between the bumps in order to make up for the lose of time, and increase the cases of road rage as the driver becomes frustrated. In addition, speed bumps also have health implications in that they can aggravate disorders of the spine and neck, decease the time for emergency response vehicles, and increase traffic anxiety for the elderly. In the past, speed bumps have been touted as the Holy Grail, but the reality is that they are nothing more than a panacea that could end up costing you and your community an enormous amount of money as result of lawsuits.
I have decided to protest in a passive/aggresive manner. Every time I am confronted by a speed bump, I slow down and careful drive over it. However, the whole time a loudly and repeatedly beep my horn. I know, immature, but perhaps the cranky neighbors will miss their peace and quiet enough to have those #$#%%$ things removed!

{Have you ever noticed that the people who creep the slowest over these menaces are those in suvs and 4-wheel drive vehicles? Excuse me, I think those vehicles are built to take such obstacles are more than 3 miles per hour! Floor it baby!}


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