Friday, December 30, 2005

Random thoughts from the road

Some observations from my trip today
  • Favorite sight: the overweight couple reading in the Hartford airport. He's reading The South Beach Diet; she's reading People - cover story: "They lost half their weight." Any guesses on their resolutions?
  • I liked flying on Southwest - but have one complaint. No seating assignments - we know that going in. But they let all the families with children board first. The result is that they take all the front seats. Fine - puts the loud kiddies away from the less-forgiving adults (me). But that also means they're first to get off the plane = they clog up aisles trying to get organized long after the rest of us are ready to move. And then you witness things like I saw - young mom with two very small kids, trying to get hug carry-ons out of overhead compartment WHILE talking on the phone...
  • Why is my luggage always the last off?
  • How can you drink red wine on a 10am flight?
  • Bradley International Airport has the slowest security check point known to man.
  • Why do some people hug their coffee cups like they're made of gold?
  • On the drive from Nashville to Chattanooga, you cross from Central to Eastern time. I actually saw my phone clock change!