Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Random Wednesday Thoughts

1. To be slightly political for a moment, I got the chance to hear US Representative Harold Ford, Jr. speak today. He visited our school, and spoke eloquently and charismatically to our students. His three pieces of advice:
  1. Take as many math and science classes as you can
  2. Learn a "global" language - like an Arabic dialect or Chinese
  3. His one regret from his college years was that he didn't travel as much abroad as he could have. He said to visit things beyond the Western European capitals.
Great advice! I got to meet him before he spoke, and I must admit, he had my vote at "hello"! He is an up-and-comer in the Democratic party - he's already declared his intention to run for Bill Frist's Senate seat. Maybe I should volunteer for his campaign??!

2. I just finished reading City of Falling Angels by John Berendt. He's the author of Midnight in the Garden of Good Evil, the story of a murder in Savannah that swept the publishing world in 1994. It was a huge hit - and a whole tourist industry was born in that city. He's chosen Venice as the site for his latest - he went and lived there for 8 years. The incident he focuses on is the burning of the La Fenice Opera House - a fire that was eventually determined to be arson. But that fire really is just the framework - the real story is of all the unusual and eccentric people he meets in Venice. I thought it did not measure up to Midnight - the fire story really doesn't glue the tale together. But I did enjoy the information on Venice - since I'll be there in just THREE weeks!!

3. As a PS to the Manny entry below, New England Sports Tonigh is tonight reporting that Manny and the Sox reached a deal wherein Manny reports on March 1st, but does NOT play for the Dominican in the World Baseball Classic. (Since the reporting date for the WBC is March 2nd, it would have meant he spent NO time in Spring Training). Theo was just saying that he had "compelling personal issues" to deal with - and that he was undergoing "vigorous" training. Hmm....

4. I don't know why, but this picture just makes me happy. I'm so glad to see that Bronson still has those lovely locks.

5. I was just watching Red Sox Now - good interviews with Bronson and Mike Lowell. The latter really impressed me - very poised. Shared a lot about his baseball and personal past. His parents escaped Cuba and he was raised in Puerto Rico. I love when he said that with a name like Lowell, everyone thinks he's from Tennessee or Kentucky.

And Bronson was, well, man, Bronson. Says he's going to lay off the music a bit this year - although sounded interested in Coco Crisp's recording contract...

6. One final note - in memory of Curt Gowdy. What New Englander doesn't have fond memories of listening to his voice on Sox broadcasts. My family has a personal memory of him, too. According to the story, Gowdy gave the eulogy at the funeral for my Uncle John, who died way too young. I've never been able to truly verify the story - but now I feel like I should!


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