Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday Baseball Rules!

Okay, I know that the Red Sox lost today to the Pirates. But that doesn't squelch my excitement over seeing a baseball game today. Pirates vs. Red Sox, on a tape delay. But - hey, here's Remy complaining about the trip to Japan. Here's Kyle Snyder pitching three scoreless innings and making himself a serious contender for that position as 5th starter. Youk, Oki, Lugo - hip hip hooray!

Cash pitched for Wake today - no passed balls. Phew

And the best news. We're going to get TWO games this week! Tomorrow at 1pm v. Yankees and Wednesday at 12 noon. WOOT!

Other loose ends: congratulations to the Matsuzakas - parents of a new baby boy. Condolences to the Mirabellis, who are now job hunting. And happiness for me - a week of spring break ahead!

AND - I got to make a pilgrimage to the Yawkey Way Store while I was up in New England. I'm thoroughly disgusted that they had no Kyle Snyder shirts available - but I did get a Wake shirt and a Wally shirt. The latter is perfect for tomorrow's St Pat's celebrations. I was also intrigued by an item listed at "Tek's Cup" for $5. Hmmm...

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Blogger Ted D said...

Favorite moment during the game tonight? Remy talking about the Dodgers playing in "Chiner"!

Snyder looked great and Wake had a perfect 5 innings with Cash behind the plate.

7:00 PM  
Blogger Tex said...

Tek's cup?? ewwwwwwwww.

Cash is MONEY!!!!!!!!

7:35 PM  

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