Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
I'm a big fan of the whole Indiana Jones series. I remember seeing the first one, and falling in love with Harrison Ford (of course, the crush had already started with the Star Wars films!) I just loved the old movie matinee feel of the series and the stories were rapid fire and really fun. My least favorite was the second in the series - "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" - it was way too dark. I think the first was my favorite, though.
My best advice about this fourth installment - do not try to understand the plot. My buddies and I looked at each other as the credits ran by, and literally said, "What in the hell was that about?!!" Seriously, just accept that it makes no sense and enjoy the ride. Ford is terrific, although it kills me to admit he's looking a bit old; and young Shia LaBoeuf is charming as Mutt. It's great to see Karen Allen back as Marion, and Cate Blanchett and Ray Winstone give serviceable performances as the villains.
The real stars are, of course, the special effects. They're pretty amazing. And like "Raiders," the story is basically one long chase scene capped by a spectacular scene of fx. So, go with no expectations of understanding the plot, but high expectations of a fun ride.
Labels: indiana jones, movie reviews
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