I love catchers!
Photos by Kelly (sittingstill.net)
At last night's game, the Red Sox honored catcher/Captain Jason Varitek, who recently caught his 1,000th game for the Sox. That surpasses the previous record, held by Hall of Famer Carlton Fisk - who presented Tek with the award.
When most pre-teen girls were hanging pictures of David Cassidy and the Bay City Rollers on their walls, I was hanging pix of Carlton Fisk on my wall. He was a great story - grew up in New Hampshire, playing for the home town team, leading them to the World Series in 1975, hitting that dramatic homer in game six of said series. Man, I had such a crush on him. And he's starting to show his age a little - as well as all the wear and tear of year squatting behind the plate. But I'm still crushin' a little!
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