Saturday, December 27, 2008

Love Actually - reexamined

I always think of Love Actually as a Christmas movie, although it doesn't necessarily have a Christmas theme. It's set around the holidays, so I think that makes it a Christmas film!

I watched Love, Actually again tonight - I was just in the mood for a light, romantic comedy, and this film doesn't disappoint. Written and directed by Richard Curtis (who was also responsible for another of my favorite films. Four Weddings and a Funeral), it covers several overlapping stories: the Prime Minister and his housekeeper, the best man in love with the bride, the two porn film body doubles, the widower and his lovelorn son, the husband distracted by his secretary, the assistant with a case of unrequited love and her mentally challenged brother. Curtis does a masterful job of interweaving and overlapping the stories in a very subtle fashion, and coaxes many, many lovely performances from his cast.

Although I adore Alan Richman, his subplot bores me. As does Laura Linney and her crazy brother. However, I'm charmed by Liam Neeson (the widower) and his quest to help his stepson find love. I adore Colin Firth as the broken hearted writer who falls for his Portuguese housekeeper. Hugh Grant...well, Hugh Grant is love! He plays the Prime Minister who becomes enamored with a member of his household staff. The scene of him dancing around #10 Downing Street to the Pointer's Sister's Jump is comedic gold!

Very underrated on its release, this has become one of my favorite romantic films.

Oh, and how could I forget Bill Nighy as the burned out rock star? This was my first glimpse of Nighy, who is becoming one of my favorite British character actors!

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